
VDSC advises VietGuys JSC on sale to Accrete Inc.

VDSC is pleased to announce that its clients, the shareholders of VietGuys Joint Stock Company (“VietGuys”), have completed the divestment of 51% stakes to Accrete Inc (“Accrete”), a leading provider of SMS international gateway services in Japan. The remaining 49% stakes will be held by the incumbent shareholders, who will continue to support and manage the company, together with experts from Accrete.

VDSC Investment Banking was the exclusive financial advisor to VietGuys on the transaction.

VietGuys has been recognized as one of the pioneering solution providers for digital transformation. Over a decade of persistently developing and upgrading services from traditional SMS marketing to O2O solutions, VietGuys has earned the trust of more than 5,000 domestic and international brands. Currently, it also partners with other technology companies to introduce more integrated solutions such as smart Digital Messaging (Pango Messaging and Pango CDP) which allows tailored marketing to the right user at the right time, Voice Brandname, and other customized propositions so that businesses are no longer on their own in the journey of digital transformation.

Accrete is the recognized pioneer of the SMS industry in Japan. After a period of exploring opportunities in Southeast Asia, it has concluded to partner up with VietGuys to cater the growing population with favorable demographics and the increasing number of e-commerce users. Accrete’s capital participation will enable VietGuys to strengthen its procurement and cost competitiveness. In addition, the procurement and sales will also be nourished through the joint engagement in sales activities in Japan and Vietnam.

The partnership between VietGuys and Accrete represents the fifth M&A transaction advisory of VDSC within the last 12 months, demonstrating our commitment and expertise in advising local companies in the course of seeking international partners who not only contribute capital but also bring in relevant management experience and technology that is surely a reliable source of competitive advantage in the current state of Vietnam’s economy where the level of customer satisfaction and competitive landscape have become much more dynamic than the past.

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